About the FCCRA


Our objective is to ensure the proper functioning of financial markets, ensuring that consumers receive equitable treatment.

About the FCCRA

Our objectives

With an unwavering dedication, we assume the role of guardians over the expansive global financial landscape, vigilantly overseeing the operations of an extensive network comprising 20,000 firms that span across the globe. Our paramount mission revolves around preserving the integrity, cultivating a climate of healthy competition, and ensuring equitable practices within the esteemed realm of financial markets. Embark on a profound voyage of discovery as you delve further into the intricacies of our multifaceted goals and objectives. Uncover a diverse tapestry of initiatives meticulously crafted to fortify the stability and transparency that underpin our financial systems. Brace yourself for an enlightening expedition that unravels the immense scope and profound significance of our mission, as we endeavor to shape the future of global finance. Prepare to witness firsthand the impact of our endeavors, which reverberate throughout the global financial landscape.

Protecting consumers

Protecting consumers


We protect consumers from the harm caused by bad conduct in financial services.

Enhancing market integrity

Enhancing market integrity


We aim to support a healthy and successful financial system.

Promotion competition

Promotion competition


We promote effective competition in the interests of consumers and take action to address concerns.

How we work


In the upcoming three years, we have outlined our anticipated outcomes for financial services, the metrics we will employ to assess our performance, and the strides we have taken in achieving our set targets.

Out annual report 2021/22
How we work

Who we are

Embark on a journey of exploration into the intricate workings of our robust management framework. Gain a deep understanding of the multifaceted mechanisms that underpin our commitment to accountability. Delve into the pivotal roles and responsibilities shouldered by our esteemed Chief Executive and Chair, who spearhead our mission with unwavering dedication. Venture further to acquire a comprehensive understanding of our organizational structure, intricately designed to propel our goals forward. Unveil the finer details that illuminate the inner workings of our operations, our steadfast commitment to transparency, and the indispensable functions fulfilled by our esteemed leaders. Prepare to immerse yourself in a wealth of knowledge that unveils the complexities of our management structure and illuminates the visionaries driving our mission.

FCA Board
Executive communities
Chief Executive

How we regulate

  • Authorisation
  • Supervision
  • Enforcement
  • Handbook of rules and guidance
  • International standarts and regulations

How we operate

  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Corporate responsibility
  • Transparency
  • Procuring goods and services
  • Reporting to Treasury and Parliament

Exapmles of our work

  • Raising standards in new firms and financial promotions
  • Setting high standards for pre-paid funeral plans
  • Making Buy Now Pay Latter terms clearer and fairer